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September 16 , 2015 |

Businesses Can Make Tax Savings on Investments

Academy Leasing managing director Michael Nolan said that businesses can make tax savings. The Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) will fall from the current rate of £500,000 to £200,000 from January 1, 2016, reducing the tax relief cap on investments in equipment and development capital. “Although the fall in AIA was less severe than expected in

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Finance Birmingham Backs Electrical Services Business

A West Midlands electrical services provider has secured an £800,000 working capital injection from Finance Birmingham. The cash will support Wolverhampton-headquartered ON-Power Electrical Services’ growth plans, as well as helping create 12 jobs at the business over the next three years. “Finance Birmingham’s funding package will help to transform our business, enabling us to capitalise

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A futuristic vision of a Birmingham that never was

An extremely fascinating insight into how 1950s town planners envisioned Birmingham has been revealed. They were the town planners who bridged the gap between post-war bombsites and the stark, often cold, architecture of the 1960s that led to an revolution in the way we live. The fascinating insight into how 1950s town planners envisioned Birmingham

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